Tuesday, March 17, 2015

SVN - Link projects to repository after moving projects to new machine

Recently I had to upgrade my laptop and the new one had Windows 64-Bit OS on it.After moving over all my projects to the new laptop,I noticed that I couldn't link the projects to the SVN repository.Even though .svn folder existed on the new laptop, I couldn't perform any of Tortoise SVN operations.

This is due to the difference in versions of SVN between my old and new laptops.To re-link the projects I had to upgrade the working copy to the newest version of SVN installed on my machine.

Below are the screenshots.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Visual Studio 2012 - Run as Administrator - Always

If you want to open VS2012 in administrator mode, you can right click the VS2012 icon and choose "Run as Administrator".However if you want it to be the default option then you will have modify the properties of the application.There are two ways you can set this in the properties.

Below are the steps.

Step 1: Right click on Visual Studio 2012 Start Menu Item and choose properties.Note that choosing "Run as Administrator" will only open the program in administrator mode for this instance.

Step 2: Choose the Compatibility Tab

Step 3: Check "Run this program as administrator" and click Apply.

Another way is to use the Shortcut tab and click Advanced and check "Run as Administrator" checkbox.

Now if you open VS2012, by default it will open in administrator mode